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  Brokers of Used Cars - Utah's Best Used Cars
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Used Car Brokers

The use of used car brokers is on the rise. The concept behind hiring an auto broker is simple: you're not a professional used car buyer, so why go up against a professional car seller alone? With the confusion of financing, fees, add-ons, taxes and the hurried nature of the dealership, it only makes sense to leave the bargaining to someone else. A broker is likely to save you money, but more importantly, they provide a peace of mind. For this growing number of consumers who lack the time, patience or confidence, the used car broker industry has emerged throughout the nation and is growing every year.

Benefits of a Broker

For a car buying expert to help negotiate the best used car deal is a great advantage. Used car buying can be very intimidating and troublesome for many consumers. When using a broker, they can do much of the work online, or over the phone. You let the broker know what type of used car to look for, what colors you prefer, optional equipment, and what your price range is. The Broker can also deal with the financing and trade-in aspects too. They have access to information such as invoice pricing, and availability of incentives that may not be listed publicly, and the average price other buyers are paying in their area. Buying a used car the proper way, with research and comparisons is very time consuming. For those that don’t have the extra time, a broker comes in handy. Brokers usually have experience with dealerships and know exactly how much they can afford to charge based on how long the car has been on the lot, how many more they have coming in and other dealerships are charging. In the end, most consumers can save hundreds if not thousands of dollars by hiring a professional to broker the purchase of their next used car. But beyond the dollars, you're also saving hours of hassle in avoiding the traditional dealership experience. And that can be the most valuable benefit of all.

Downsides of a Broker

As convenient as a used car broker is, there are many car brokers that take advantage of their clients because their commission was not disclosed. Some brokers are certainly out there to help people in the used car buying process, but some are just in it for the money. So, like any deal, a little research on the broker is very important. Do not be scared to use a broker, but just be aware that just because your broker is saying it's a great deal doesn't mean that it is. Brokers also charge a fee, depending on a number of factors, so you must take this into account when thinking about the overall price spent on the used car.

Broker’s Fee

Fee sometime depend on the price of the used car you are buying. Fees for these services can start at $200 and can go as high as $1,000. Used cars and rare cars tend to carry a higher fee since it takes more legwork to locate a good deal. The best broker deals are charged on a flat-fee basis, agreed to before purchase. This way, the broker only makes money when they get a deal for you, and they are not motivated to purchase a more expensive vehicle for you. An alternative to spending broker fees on a used car is to go through wholesale clubs like Costco and auto clubs like AAA. They offer car-buying services similar to what brokers offer. This isn't a true brokerage arrangement; but the service does take much of the haggling out of the car-buying process.

What to Look For

It is very important to figure out what kind of auto broker you're dealing with. A look through the phonebook or Internet can come up with dozens of names. Not every used car broker is really working for the consumer, so research is very important. A great way to choose a broker is to get references from friends or family that has used one. An opinion from a first hand experience is priceless. You do not need to necessarily find a local broker, as many have started working from Web-based traffic and taking on clients around the world for used car sales. Brokers should not be receiving any compensation from dealerships; many operations call themselves brokerages, but make substantial amounts of their profits from dealerships, or even directly work for a dealership. This isn't illegal, but can lead you to question their interests. Interview the broker; get their background, the history of the company, and their fees. Also, make sure the broker is licensed to legally sell cars in your state.

When buying a used car, people often make the mistake of impulse decisions. Under the excitement of a new car and the urge to want something out of their price range, consumers do not always stay within their budget. This often leads to regret in the long run, as they are consumed by bills. A used car broker can take the impulse out of buying. They will also save time, money, and the frustration that go along with negotiating for a vehicle. Although there is a fee, it is well worth it to many used car customers.